
Development beyond code

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How Does Color Affect 3D Printer Filament Strength In The Sun?
How Does Color Affect 3D Printer Filament Strength In The Sun?

I wanted to deep dive into choosing the correct 3D print filament for my telescope project. In todays post I show how print color affects the strength of 3D prints in sunlight, and how PETG isn’t always a safe bet.

Rush Hour Has Received an Epic MegaGrant!
Rush Hour Has Received an Epic MegaGrant!

Rush Hour has received an Epic MegaGrant! Rush Hour aims to level up real-time workflows for vehicle animation and build on what Unreal Engine already offers. By utilising vehicle AI, similar to what you would find in games, to act as a stunt driver, it reduces the work animators need to put in to get the physics looking correct and instead focus on directing the scene, all from within the same editor where you are building your environment.

Thanks to the generous support of Epic Games, Rush Hour is able to take several major steps forward. This will support the addition of several new features and improve existing aspects.

Rush Hour - Year in Review
Rush Hour - Year in Review

2022 Has been a fantastic year. Rush Hour saw its initial release, and great progress has been made on the next version. Before I take a holiday break, I wanted to give a status update on Rush Hour and the plans for the near future.